B. inggris Pilihlah jawaban kata sambung yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat dibawah ini dengan menggaris bawahi jawaban yang benar. • We need to study harder (in order to / so that) we can pass the exam successfully.• He has saved much money (so that /in order to) purchase the latest smartphone.• I go to office riding my bicycle (in order to / so that) save my money. People should tight a seat belt and drive carefully (in order to / so that) avoid accident. • We need to do regular exercise (in order to / so that) we can stay healthy. • Tourists should winter coat (in order to / so that) keep warm outside. vernienicolasulv – April 06, 2023
B. inggris I am anto are you the new stundent? what is your name terjemahan kn ke bahasa indonesia vernienicolasulv – April 04, 2023